Accounting for lag times and natural concentrations of contaminants in groundwater
Project Details Ngā taipitopito
Collaborators Ngā haumi
AgResearch | Aqualinc | DairyNZ | Environment Canterbury | Lincoln University | Ministry for the Environment
The decisions farmers make today on land can take many years to be reflected in the health of water in our rivers and groundwater. In the past, this ‘lag time’ contributed to a lack of understanding of the intrinsic connection between wai and whenua.
This research will demonstrate the effects of agriculture on our freshwater over the past 170 years and will predict how quickly future land-use decisions will restore the health of degraded water. The project aims to use this knowledge to grow understanding among land stewards of the connection between whenua and wai.
This project will have a focus on groundwater. It will find out how long it takes for changes in land use or intensity to be reflected in nitrate concentrations in groundwater.