Output Tool Technical Report 2
Jingwei Ke, Pexels

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The impact of policy on sustainable land use options in New Zealand

April 2019

Do current national and regional policy frameworks discourage (or insufficiently encourage) change at the scale and diversity needed for the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge to achieve its objective? The overall finding of this think piece is that current national and regional policy frameworks, and their implementation, do act as barriers to the Our Land and Water objective: ‘To enhance primary sector production and productivity while maintaining and improving our land and water quality for future generations.’

There is a need for more targeted science to close knowledge gaps in policy, practice and outcomes for land and water use and management. For decision-makers in both the public and private sector, the knowledge available and accessible at the point of decision-making has a direct impact on the quality of decisions. (The scope of the inquiry expanded to include private sector policy and implementation, because these also significantly influence current and future land use, and associated environmental outcomes.)

See also two case studies by Rob van Duivenboden: Policy Think Piece Case Study 1; Policy Think Piece Case Study 2

Think piece for Our Land and Water

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