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Oliver Weber

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Supercharge your data collection when participating in community-based monitoring of freshwater environments

July 2024

A brochure for rural community and catchment groups, explaining how the data they collect can help detect changes in freshwater quality – but only if the monitoring is done systematically, over a long period of time, and the results and other critical information (e.g., monitoring sites and methods) are made available for others to access.

The brochure includes a link to a full guidance document, and includes the following advice to maximise the group’s efforts:

  • Establish a clear monitoring purpose, e.g., nutrient reduction, sediment control, sharing with others (e.g., NZ Landcare Trust, Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust, local authorities). Make sure you gather data that helps achieve your group’s aim. It’s never too late to define your direction!
  • Collect robust data. Undertaking consistent, accurate data collection over time is key.
  • Safely storing and sharing your data (e.g., via social media/online maps/website) inspires others and can help fill knowledge gaps.

A print-quality PDF is available on request.

2333 KB | Adobe Acrobat PDF File
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