Output Tool Technical Report 2
Jingwei Ke, Pexels

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Mosaics Testing Model

September 2024

Our modelling indicates that while more mosaic-y landscapes are likely to produce somewhat better outcomes in profitability terms, the differences are likely to be small. We think that the areas of high value or low contaminant emitting land uses are more important than the scale of their placement in the landscape. There is no guarantee that placing land uses in smaller more scattered blocks will produce better environmental outcomes, although it will likely tend to ensure a more even spread of impacts with fewer areas of very high impact on waterways. We consider that stakeholders should focus more directly on the values and concepts of importance to them, rather than assume that they are embodied in some undefined concept of mosaics and can be solved by different placement of land uses. For example, if resilience is considered important, stakeholders should focus on resilience rather than assuming that mosaics will provide resilience.

Report prepared for Our Land and Water, June 2024

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