An interactive map shows the total phosphorus (TP) yield and the potential for mitigation strategies to reduce TP losses from land to water by 2035.
The map allows users to zoom in to any of New Zealand’s catchments or regions, and swipe between two views. Swiping to the left reveals the total phosphorus yield per hectare per year. Swiping to the right reveals the potential for on-farm actions to reduce phosphorus loss from land to water. This allows New Zealanders to see which rivers, lakes and estuaries are under the most pressure from agriculture, and whether all farmers adopting all on-farm mitigation actions will ease this pressure by 2035.
Source: Quantifying contaminant losses to water from pastoral land uses in New Zealand III. What could be achieved by 2035?.
Implications of water quality policy on land use: a case study of the approach in New Zealand.