Output Tool Technical Report 2
Jingwei Ke, Pexels

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Interoperable Models for Land and Water: Framework selection and preliminary design (consultation draft)

July 2017

Key objectives for this research include providing a nationally applicable system of models, in an open source interoperability framework, which draws on national datasets where possible and uses interoperability standards. The system should be suitable for integrated and spatial assessment of the economic, production and environmental implications of land use and land use change at farm to catchment scales.

The CSIP/OMS3 (Cloud Services Infrastructure Platform/ Object Modelling System) framework was selected for use in Stage 2 of the programme. A diagram organising key datasets, model types, and outputs was developed to provide a long-term structure for framework development. A set of models was selected to be implemented in the first two years, based on a number of factors such as previous use in New Zealand and addressing key modelling objectives.

The proposal does not cover the generation of datasets or converting these to standards-based formats and provision through web services. Specific gaps in this area were identified.

Overall, a reasoned, specific, and tractable programme has been proposed for Stage 2, and this should be approved with minimal delay to ensure that Challenge timelines are met.

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