December 2019
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
Author(s): A. Samadeni-Davies, C. Jones-Todd, M. Srinivasan, R. Muirhead, A. Elliott, U. Shankar, C. Paliser
This paper presents the results of the latest calibrations of the CLUES model for each of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and Escherichia coli. CLUES has been calibrated nationally against loads estimated from data collected from water quality monitoring stations located across the country which could lead to parameter bias. To ascertain whether there is any systematic bias, the calibration residuals were evaluated against regional (geographical) location and a range of upstream catchment characteristics. We found that CLUES gives reasonable load estimates at the catchment. However, there was significant uncertainty in the parameterisation. While several significant relationships were found between upstream catchment characteristics and the model residuals, these relationships were weak and are unlikely to point to any systematic bias in the calibration.