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A method to derive nitrogen transport factors for New Zealand’s agricultural lands

December 2024

Risk index tools have the potential to assist farmers in making strategic decisions regarding their farm design to manage losses of nutrients. Such tools require a vulnerability framework, and these are often based on scores or rankings. These frameworks struggle to take account of interactions between elements of the physical environment. Process-based simulation models inherently take account of interactions and may be a viable alternative to score-based methods. We describe the method to populate a database of transport factors that covers the agricultural lands of New Zealand that is designed for usage as the susceptibility framework within a risk index tool. The method gives both leaching and runoff transport factors and gives values by month. The simulation model used had already been validated for simulating water and nitrogen balances and the generated spatial patterns of the transport factors was validated via expert assessment. These features allow good representation of the risks posed across a wide range of farming activities.

  • Use of a simulation model to quantify transport factors.
  • Captures the interactions between soil and weather factors in the physical environment.
  • Produces a country-wide database intended as a susceptibility framework for a risk index tool.
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